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Gradual Type Checking for Ruby

Ruby developers often wax enthusiastic about the speed and agility with which they are able to write programs, and have relied on two techniques more than any other to support this: tests and documentation.

After spending some time looking into other languages and language communities, it’s my belief that as Ruby developers, we are missing out on a third crucial tool that can extend our design capabilities, giving us richer tools with which to reason about our programs. This tool is a rich type system.

Design Tools for Ruby

To be clear, I am in no way saying that tests and documentation do not have value, nor am I saying that the addition of a modern type system to Ruby is necessary for a certain class of applications to succeed – the number of successful businesses started with Ruby and Rails is proof enough. Rather, I am saying that a richer type system with a well designed type-checker could give our design several advantages that are hard to accomplish with tests and documentation alone:

  • Truly executable documentation

    Types declared for methods or fields are enforced by the type checker. Annotated classes are easy to parse by developers and documentation can be extracted from type annotations.

  • Stable specification

    Tests which assert the input and return values of methods are brittle, raise confusing errors, and bloat test suites; documentation gets out of sync. Type annotations change with your implementation and can help maintain interface stability.

  • Meaningful error messages

    Type checkers are valuable in part because they bridge the gap between the code and the meaning of a program. Error messages which inform you not only that you made a mistake, but how (and potentially how to fix it) are possible with the right tools.

  • Type driven design

    Considering the design of a module of a program through its types can be an interesting exercise. With advancements in type checking and inference for dynamic programming languages, it may be possible to rely on these tools to help guide our program design.

Integrating traditional typing into a dynamic language like Ruby is inherently challenging. However, in searching for a way to integrate these design advantages into Ruby programs, I have come across a very interesting body of research about “gradual typing” systems. These systems exist to include, typically on a library level, the kinds of type checking and inference functionality that would allow Ruby developers to benefit from typing without the expected overhead. [1]

In doing this research I was pleasantly surprised to find that four researchers from the University of Maryland’s Department of Computer Science have designed such a system for Ruby, and have published a paper summarizing their work. It is presented as “The Ruby Type Checker” which they describe as “…a tool that adds type checking to Ruby, an object-oriented, dynamic scripting language.” [2] Awesome, let’s take a look at it!

The Ruby Type Checker

The implementation of the Ruby Type Checker (rtc) is described by the authors as “a Ruby library in which all type checking occurs at run time; thus it checks types later than a purely static system, but earlier than a traditional dynamic type system.” So right away we see that this tool isn’t meant to change the principal means of development relied on by Ruby developers, but rather to augment it. This is similar to how we think about Code Climate - as a tool which brings information about problems in your code earlier in your process.

What else can it do? A little more from the abstract:

“Rtc supports type annotations on classes, methods, and objects and rtc provides a rich type language that includes union and intersection types, higher- order (block) types, and parametric polymorphism among other features.”

Awesome. Reading a bit more into the paper we see that rtc operates by two main mechanisms:

  1. Compiling field and method annotations to a data structure that is later used for checks
  2. Optionally proxying calls through a system that gathers type information, allowing type errors to be raised on method entry and exit

So now let’s see how these mechanisms might be used in practice. We’ll walk through the ways that you can annotate the type of a class’s fields, and show what method type declarations look like.

First, field annotations on a class look like this:

class Foo
  typesig('@title: String')
  attr_accessor :title

And method annotations should look familiar to you if you’ve seen type declarations for methods in other languages:

class Foo
  typesig("self.build: (Hash) -> Post")
  def self.build(attrs)
    # ... method definition

Where the input type appears in parens, and then the return type appears after the -> arrow that represents function application.

Similar to the work in typed Clojure and typed Racket (two of the more well-developed ‘gradual’ type systems), rtc is available as a library and can be used or not used a la carte. This flexibility is fantastic for Ruby developers. It means that we can isolate parts of our programs which might be amenable to type-driven design, and selectively apply the kinds of run time guarantees that type systems can give us, without having to go whole hog. Again, we don’t have to change the entire way we work, but we might augment our tools with just a little bit more.

How Would We Use Gradual Typing?

Asking the following question on Twitter got me A LOT of opinions, perhaps unsurprisingly:

The answers ranged from “never” to “always” to more thoughtful responses such as “during refactoring” or “when dealing with data from the outside world.” The latter sounded like a use case to me, so I started daydreaming about what a type checked model in a Rails application would look like, especially one that was primarily accessed through a controller that serves a JSON API.

Let’s look at a Post class:

class Post
  include PersistenceLogic

  attr_accessor :id
  attr_accessor :title
  attr_accessor :timestamp

This post class includes some PersistanceLogic so that you can write:

Post.create({id: "foo", title: "bar", timestamp: 1398822693})

And be happy with yourself, secure that your data is persisted. To wire this up to the outside world, now imagine that this class is hooked up via a PostsController:

class PostsController
  def create

Let’s assume that we don’t need to be concerned about security here (though that’s something that a richer type system can potentially help us with as well). This PostsController accepts some JSON:

  "post": {
    "id": "0f0abd00",
    "title": "Cool Story",
    "timestamp": "1398822693"

And instead of having to write a bunch of boilerplate code around how to handle timestamp coming in as a string, or title not being present, etc. you could just write:

class Post
  include PersistenceLogic

  typesig('@id: String')
  attr_accessor :id

  typesig('@title: String')
  attr_accessor :title

  typesig('@timestamp: Fixnum')
  attr_accessor :timestamp

Which might lead you to want a type-checked build method (rtc_annotate triggers type checking on a specific object instance):

class Post
  include PersistenceLogic

  typesig('@id: String')
  attr_accessor :id

  typesig('@title: String')
  attr_accessor :title

  typesig('@timestamp: Fixnum')
  attr_accessor :timestamp

  typesig("self.build: (Hash) -> Post")
  def self.build(attrs)
    post           = new.rtc_annotate("Post")
    post.id        = attrs.delete(:id)
    post.title     = attrs.delete(:title)
    post.timestamp = attrs.delete(:timestamp)

But, oops! When you run it you see that you didn’t write that correctly:

[2] pry(main)> Post.build({id: "0f0abd00", title: "Cool Story",
timestamp: 1398822693}) Rtc::TypeMismatchException: invalid return type
in build, expected Post, got Fixnum

You can fix that:

class Post
  include PersistenceLogic

  typesig('@id: String')
  attr_accessor :id

  typesig('@title: String')
  attr_accessor :title

  typesig('@timestamp: Fixnum')
  attr_accessor :timestamp

  typesig("self.build: (Hash) -> Post")
  def self.build(attrs)
    post           = new.rtc_annotate("Post")
    post.id        = attrs.delete(:id)
    post.title     = attrs.delete(:title)
    post.timestamp = attrs.delete(:timestamp)

Okay let’s run it with that test JSON:

Post.build({ id: "0f0abd00",
             title: "Cool Story",
             timestamp: "1398822693" })

Whoah, whoops!

Rtc::TypeMismatchException: In method timestamp=, annotated types are
[Rtc::Types::ProceduralType(10): [ (Fixnum) -> Fixnum ]], but actual
arguments are ["1398822693"], with argument types [NominalType(1)<String>]
for class Post

Ah, there ya go:

class Post
  include PersistenceLogic

  typesig('@id: String')
  attr_accessor :id

  typesig('@title: String')
  attr_accessor :title

  typesig('@timestamp: Fixnum')
  attr_accessor :timestamp

  typesig("self.build: (Hash) -> Post")
  def self.build(attrs)
    post           = new.rtc_annotate("Post")
    post.id        = attrs.delete(:id)
    post.title     = attrs.delete(:title)
    post.timestamp = attrs.delete(:timestamp).to_i

So then you could say:

Post.build({ id: "0f0abd00",
             title: "Cool Story",
             timestamp: "1398822693" }).save

And be type-checked, guaranteed, and on your way.

Just a Taste

The idea behind this blog post was to get Ruby developers thinking about some of the advantages of using a sophisticated type checker that could programmatically enforce the kinds of specifications that are currently leveraged by documentation and tests. Through all of the debate about how much we should be testing and what we should be testing, we have been potentially overlooking another very sophisticated set of tools which can help augment our designs and guarantee the soundness of our programs over time.

The Ruby Type Checker alone will not give us all of the tools that we need, but it gives us a taste of what is possible with more focused attention on types from the implementors and users of the language.

Works Cited

[1] Gradual typing bibliography

[2] The ruby type checker [pdf]

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