Quality by Code Climate

Take control of code quality.

Automated code review for test coverage, maintainability and more so that you can save time and merge with confidence.

Why Quality

Everything you need to ship better code, faster.

Get Started
Advantage One

Receive automated code review comments on your pull requests.

Our 10-point technical debt assessment provides real-time feedback, so you can save time and focus on what matters in your code review discussions.

Advantage Two

Get test coverage right, every time.

See coverage line by line within diffs. Never merge code without sufficient tests again.

Advantage Three

Win the fight against technical debt.

At a glance, identify frequently changed files that have inadequate coverage and maintainability issues. Track your progress against measurable goals, day-by-day.

Advantage Four

Identify hot spots to focus on what matters.

Correlate code quality information against areas of high churn so you can focus your efforts on files with inadequate coverage or maintainability issues.

We speak your language.


Everything you need to ship better code, faster.

  • Individual pull request statuses for coverage and maintainability

  • Browser extension for Github

  • Full REST API

  • Shared, organization–wide configuration

  • Run analysis locally with IDE/editor integrations and CLI

  • Integration with ticket systems like Jira, Trello and GitHub Issues

  • GitHub OAuth, two–factor authentication and enterprise–grade security baked in

  • Works with GitHub.com repositories

  • Team management and fine–grained permissions

Start your 14-day free trial today.

Quality by Code Climate provides automated code review for test coverage, maintainability and more so that you can save time and merge with confidence.

Get Started

Start Your Free 14 Day Trial Today