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Launching Today: The Code Climate Platform

Code Climate Platform

Update: See our CEO and Co-Founder Bryan Helmkamp introducing the Code Climate Platform!

Today, we’re thrilled to launch the Code Climate Platform − the first open, extensible platform for all types of static analysis.

We’ve come a long way since we started building a static analysis tool for Rubyists. Today, we’re fortunate enough to help 50,000 developers analyze about 700BN lines of code every weekday. As we’ve grown, we’ve seen that clear, actionable static analysis leads to healthier code and happier developers. Our new platform brings those benefits to every team, regardless of the technologies they use, so that they can focus on shipping quality software.

What does this mean exactly? First, we’re open sourcing our analysis tools, including the engines and algorithms we use to evaluate code. If you have a running Docker host, using Code Climate on your command line is as easy as:

boot2docker up && `boot2docker shellinit`
brew tap codeclimate/formulae
brew install codeclimate

We’re also enabling anyone to write static analysis engines that run on our servers by following a simple specification. No longer will you have to wait for us to provide support for your programming languages, frameworks and libraries of choice. Finally, using our new Code Climate CLI, you can now run any Code Climate-compatible static analysis on your laptop – for free.

Code Climate Platform CLI

Let’s look at each of these in turn…

Open Source

We’re releasing the static analysis engines that power the new Code Climate Platform, and going forward, all of our static analysis code will be published under Open Source licenses. Code Climate has always provided free analysis to Open Source projects, and this continues to deepen our commitment to, and participation in, the OSS community.

Code Climate has always stood on the shoulders of giants in depending on Open Source libraries for the bulk of our static analysis algorithms. We would not exist today if not for the great work of people like Ryan Davis (Flog, Flay) and Justin Collins (Brakeman) that demonstrated the value of static analysis and allowed us to quickly bring it to developers.

Open Source static analysis means you can dig in and understand exactly how your code is being evaluated. And customizing static analysis algorithms becomes as simple as clicking the “Fork” button on GitHub…


With the release of our new Code Climate Engine Specification, anyone can write static analysis engines that run on our servers. Code Climate’s set of officially supported languages can be augmented with community supported static analysis engines so that you can get confidence in your code, regardless of your choice of technology. For years, our most common type of feature request has been, “Can you add support for X?”, where X is a programming language, version of a language, or sometimes a framework. We’ve always wanted Code Climate to work for all developers, but in the past we were limited by the effort required to add new languages.

We believe that you shouldn’t have to wait for a vendor to add support for the languages you love, so are finally removing ourselves as the bottleneck to new static analysis features. Anyone who is interested in using Code Climate with their favorite languages, frameworks and libraries is free to build an engine to do so. Results from engines retain all the benefits of the Code Climate product, including automatic analysis of every Pull Request, comparison views, ratings/GPAs, and notifications. Of course, there’s already a vibrant community of OSS static analysis tools, and we’re excited to see what people are able to build and integrate. It’s really astounding how simple it is to build a Code Climate engine, as we’ve watched developers build functioning analysis from scratch in a matter of a couple hours.

If you want to give it a try, join our new Developer Program and we’ll be there to guide you along the way.

Run Anywhere

In addition to the spec, we’re also releasing the Code Climate CLI, which makes it easy to get static analysis results (both from Code Climate’s official engines and community-supported engines) in one clear, unified report right on your laptop. When you’re ready, you can load your repository into codeclimate.com and we’ll automatically apply the exact same configuration you use locally to analyze every commit and Pull Request, making the results available to your entire team.

To make static analysis truly ubiquitous, we realized it was not enough to support a wide variety of tools, we need to make it trivial to run these tools anywhere the developer is working. You shouldn’t have to wait to push your source code to a remote server to get clear, actionable static analysis results. Now it’s possible to easily run the same static analysis we run on our servers on your command line.

New Static Analysis Engines

We’re fortunate to be partnering with creators of two prominent Open Source projects who understand the value of static analysis in ensuring healthy code, Tom Dale from Ember.js and Laurent Sansonetti from RubyMotion. Here’s what they have to say about the Code Climate Platform:

“The Ember community takes good tooling seriously. I’m excited to partner with Code Climate and bring their service to our users because better static analysis means better Ember apps.”

– Tom Dale from Ember.js

“HipByte is excited to partner with CodeClimate to provide clear and reliable code reviews for RubyMotion projects. RubyMotion allows Ruby developers to write cross-platform apps for iOS and Android by leveraging the native platform APIs, and a tool for static analysis means fewer crashes and more reliable applications.”

– Laurent Sansonetti from RubyMotion

Accordingly, we’re releasing an Ember.js engine that brings the Ember Watson tool to all Code Climate users, and a set of custom checks for RubyMotion that will help ensure that your application code is reliable.

In addition, we’re proud to release eight new static analysis engines that you can start using with Code Climate today:

  • Gofmt, Govet and Golint - The official style, bug and lint checkers from the Go team
  • CoffeeLint - Style checking for the CoffeeScript dialect of JavaScript
  • CSSLint - Style checking for all CSS stylesheets
  • Rubocop - Style and quality checks for Ruby code (including support for RRuby 2.2+)
  • ESLint - Linting and style checking for your modern EcmaScript/JavaScript code
  • Bundler Audit - Find security vulnerabilities in your Ruby dependencies
  • PHP CodeSniffer - Style checking for PHP

Healthy Code Ships Faster

In many ways, our new platform is a culmination of the experience we’ve gained over the past four years building and operating the most popular static analysis app. We’re excited to bring this to you, and look forward to continuing to bring you the best tools to ship better code, faster. If you want to try out the new Code Climate, download our CLI to get started. We’d love to hear what you think!

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